Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Kindness Elective and Octacan

During Friday Electives, Mrs King and Mrs Spencer focused on Kindness!  As part of this, our Elective asked other children in the school to bring along cans for the Octacan collection. This collection helps out people in our city who are struggling to feed their families.

Eli, Bella, Juniper, Freya and Mrs Spencer took the cans down to the Octagon on Thursday. It was a chilly day but luckily for them, it wasn't raining while they unloaded the car.  The people gathering the cans said they had changed the name to Octavan - all the cans were counted and loaded straight into vans so that they didn't get too wet! 

Our school collected 157, according to their count.  Well done George St Normal!

Lucas and his Strength Goal

Lucas presented his poster to Room 10!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Poem Recitals

Last week, all classes in the Middle Team recited their poems in class. From this, we each chose two Year 3 and two Year 4 children to go forward to the semi-finals.

Here are our four Room 10 representatives!

The competition was tough and none of our children got through to the final, which was held yesterday.

We were entertained by some amazing speaking from children with a real stage presence.